
Showing posts from May, 2022

How Smoking Affects Cancer

Cancer is a disease that stems from toxic cells growing at an out-of-control rate that can quickly affect other organs and tissues of the body. Cancer cells can spread through blood cells and lymph systems which compromises the body's ability to get rid of toxins. There are many factors that can contribute to your risk of getting cancer and how aggressive it could be. One of the biggest factors is smoking. Smoking is very damaging to the body in numerous ways. A few experts in breast cancer treatment South Jersey discussed how smoking affects the body handling cancer. Smoking doesn’t just cause cancer but can prevent your body from fighting it efficiently. The chemicals in cigarette smoke can damage your body’s immune response which makes your body have a hard time fighting and identifying cancer cells. This can allow cancer cells to replicate quicker in comparison to a cancer patient that is a non-smoker. Cigarette smoke can mutate your cell’s DNA as well, which can be a catalyst...